dijous, 11 de juny del 2009

Dialogue with Elisabet "Credit de sintesi"

Elisabet is a girl.
Vicky is a doctor.

Vicky: Hello, Clinica Bofill.
Elisabet: Hello, Can I speak to a consullting a doctor please?
Vicky: Yes, I'm a doctor. Can I help you?
Elisabet: I'm Nicole Chipson and my mother has just scalded herselft with a Kettle of water. Can you help me?
Vicky: Yes, of coruse. Ok listen to me, First you should run cold water over the affect area.
Sara: For how long?
Vicky: For about 10 minutes to cool in down.
Elisabet: Right. And shall I remove the ring she's wearing?
Vicky: Yes, you should.
Elisabet: Ok. What else can I do?
Vicky: Hello, Clinica Bofill.Vicky: Yes, I'm a doctor. Can I help you?Vicky: Yes, of coruse. Ok listen to me, First you should run cold water over the affect area.Vicky: For about 10 minutes to cool in down.
Vicky: Now you should cover the wound with a sterile bandage to prevent infection and come to the clinic as soon as possible.
Elisabet: Ok . Thank you for your advice. We'll folow the instructions and come to the clinic.
Vicky: You welcome. Nice to meet you NIcole.
Elisabet: Thank you !! Se you later.

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